AI Knowledge Base: Your Customized ChatGPT-powered Assistant

Unlock Instant Knowledge Access: Say Goodbye to Endless Document Scrolling and Empower Your Team

Upload Your Knowledge Base

Effortlessly Upload and Securely Store Your Documents to Create an AI-Powered Knowledge Base in seconds.

AI-Powered ChatGPT Assistant

Experience the power of our ChatGPT-like tool that provides highly-accurate and relevant responses to your team's questions.

Seamless Integration via API

Share your custom knowledge base anywhere you need it. Embed it on your website, integrate it with your existing systems via API.

Are You Tired of Endlessly Searching for Answers?

Discover a smarter way to find answers with our AI-powered knowledge base. Say goodbye to repetitive searches and information overload:

  • Instant Responses: Get immediate and precise answers to your questions, saving valuable time.
  • Reduce Search Time: Cut down on hours of scrolling through countless documents and PDFs.
  • Improve Efficiency: Streamline your workflow and empower your team with instant access to knowledge.

Instant Responses Anytime, Anywhere with Our AI Knowledge Base

With our AI-powered knowledge base, you can bid farewell to generic answers from ChatGPT and embrace precise responses based on your personalized database.

Upload your own files and data, whether it's training materials, product manuals, or FAQs, and witness the power of tailored information. 

Our knowledge base ensures that you receive the information you need quickly and efficiently, customized to your specific needs and requirements.

Unlock Business potential

How AI-Powered Knowledge Bases can help your business

Customer Support

Customers can ask questions and receive immediate answers 24-7

Technical Assistance

Users can find solutions to technical problems instantly

Legal Department

Attorneys and legal professionals can query information on laws, regulations

Corporate Training

Employees can access informations and processes

Human Resources

Employees can access information about company policies


Customers can access information on products and services

Secure and Compliant Solution

Data Protection and Compliance

Rest easy knowing your data is protected and compliant with our Microsoft Azure Cloud storage solution. AI Knowledge Base ensures the security and confidentiality of your valuable information.

Robust Security Measures

Our secure ChatGPT-like instance is built with robust security measures to safeguard your data. All data requests and responses are fully encrypted, ensuring end-to-end security and confidentiality.

Secure API Integration

Leverage the power of our secure API to enhance your knowledge management workflows. Integrate AI Knowledge Base seamlessly into your existing systems and workflows with ease.

Enhance Knowledge Management with API Integration

Unleash the full potential of our AI-powered knowledge base by effortlessly integrating it into your workflows. With our API, you can:

  • Upload Documents: Easily add your files to the knowledge base.
  • Query and Receive Responses: Get instant and relevant answers to your queries.
  • Create Dynamic ChatGPT-like Assistant: Leverage the responses to build a personalized chatbot for customers or employees.

Whether you're building an internal knowledge base or a customer-facing FAQ chatbot, our API simplifies the process. Our solution is backed by highly accurate and intuitive AI algorithms, ensuring reliable and timely responses.

Our clients

Our partners

euroTesting logo

It's not just about email classification for us helps you understand and respond to your customers more effectively, also enabling personalized and emphatic responses.

Understand your customer’s requests

Identify key data, by contextualizing the questions and key info of your clients such as language and sentiment, to significantly improve your “moments of truth” in customer service


Automate your email classification speed, filtering and prioritization making it easier for your organization to automatically assign emails to the right service, team or person

Quickly integrate your data

Speed up the time to search for info/ documents to answer your emails by seamless integrating to O365, Google, major ticketing platforms like Zendesk, ServiceNow and Salesforce, and RPA tools

Smart Reply with AI

Empower your first level team to make your customer engagement more efficient, by using the "Smart Reply" AI engine, you will save up to 40% costs and increase the answers quality up to 70%