Accelerate Your AP Workflows with EmailTree + EZ Cloud

For companies relying on Oracle ERPs for financial operations, accounts payable (AP) workflows often involve tedious, repetitive manual tasks that drain productivity and create bottlenecks. From sorting through high invoice volumes and data entry to chasing approvals and resolving exceptions, AP teams struggle to keep up.

But by combining intelligent automation solutions from and EZ Cloud, enterprises can now accelerate their AP processes for new levels of efficiency and productivity.

The Problem: Inefficient, Manual AP Processes

Most enterprises depend on Oracle ERPs like Oracle E-Business Suite to manage core financial data and processes. But inherent limitations in these systems lead to manual AP workflows riddled with friction:

  • Overloaded inboxes – AP teams must sift through crowded email inboxes to identify invoices buried amongst other messages. This makes it difficult to safely extract invoices for processing.
  • Manual data entry – Once invoices are identified, AP staff must manually enter or extract key details like invoice numbers, dates, and amounts into the ERP system. This repetitive drudgery is time-consuming and risk-prone.
  • Routing and matching – Invoices then need to be routed to the right people for approvals based on pre-defined rules and matched to corresponding POs – another manual step.
  • Reconciling exceptions – Any exceptions or discrepancies that appear must be manually researched and resolved before approval. This frequently stalls workflows.
  • Preparing payments – Finally, approved invoices need to be formatted and output for payment. But gaps and errors often appear, delaying payments.

Drawbacks of these fragmented, manual workflows include:

  • Slow processing times – Each manual step adds latency, slowing the end-to-end process. Invoices end up stuck in processing limbo.
  • Costly errors – Repeated manual work inevitably leads to errors that are expensive and time-consuming to fix.
  • Poor visibility – With invoices spread across inboxes and systems, AP teams lack real-time visibility into workflow health.
  • Backlogs and late payments – The resulting backlogs and delays mean invoices remain unpaid past due dates, straining supplier relationships.

For rapidly growing enterprises, overloaded AP teams struggle to keep pace using manual workflows, leading to even bigger backlogs and problems. They need automation to drive efficiency, speed, and accuracy.

The Solution: AI + AP Automation

EmailTree and EZ Cloud provide the answer – an integrated solution combining AI and end-to-end AP automation.

EmailTree’s AI inbox assistant intelligently processes all incoming invoices:

  • Automatically filters invoices from other emails
  • Extracts invoice details and data
  • Routes invoices to EZ Cloud for approvals

EZ Cloud’s AP automation platform then takes over:

  • Matches invoices to POs
  • Routes for approvals per customized rules
  • Resolves exceptions
  • Reconciles invoices
  • Prepares approved invoices for payment

By integrating EmailTree’s AI assistant with EZ Cloud’s automation workflow, enterprises can seamlessly eliminate all manual efforts involved in processing Oracle ERP invoices.

The Benefits

This end-to-end AI-powered automation delivers transformative outcomes across critical AP metrics:

  • 4X faster invoice processing – Intelligent automation processes 4 times as many invoices as manual work. AP teams handle 4 times the invoice volumes without adding staff.
  • 90% lower processing costs – Automation eliminates nearly all the costly manual work involved in AP workflows. Processing costs drop by 90%.
  • 4X faster period close – With automated workflows keeping pace with AP volumes, companies close books 4 times faster. No more period-end backlogs.
  • 25% faster reconciliation – Automated matching and exception resolution dramatically speeds up reconciliation.
  • Improved supplier relations – Accelerated workflows mean invoices get paid on time or early, improving supplier relationships.

Get Started Today

The combined power of EmailTree and EZ Cloud lets enterprises accelerate AP workflows to new levels. Processing speeds accelerate, costs plummet, productivity climbs, visibility improves, and payments stay on time. The results are transformative.

To learn more and experience intelligent AP automation for yourself, schedule a demo today.

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